Saturday, September 24, 2005

So goddamn stupid. Yet so goddamn funny!

This is about the 1oth pair of big, dirty, swingin', mobile testicles I've seen since living in Colorado. I'm never sure what the vehicle owner is thinking. Do they think it's comedy in a "yeah, I know this is ridiculous but I'm a funny guy" sort of way? Do they think it is macho in a "yeah, I've got a big ole pair of balls on the back of my truck, fuck you" sort of way? Are they needing attention in a "Hey! You! I ain't got nothing to say! But look at these big blue nuts on the back of my truck!" kind of way? Are they unaware, having fallen victim to a prank joke in a "honey, everyone that is passing me is giving me a disgusted look" kind of way? I don't know. I can never figure it out. But as fucking stupid as this is, it always makes me laugh my big, dirty blue testicles off.